Dying is Easy, Life is Hard

I often wonder about what happens when I cease to exist. This is always on the back of my mind in some form and I have had these thoughts since I was a child. How would anyone truly know what happens once the heart stops? Is there some mystical afterlife or reincarnation? I certainly don’t know and probably never will and even if I do eventually know, I wouldn’t be able to let others know would I? I can easily think of about 20 different ways one might die and yet not many people can give concrete advice on life. Why is that? Are we all stupid? Or is it simply a matter of taking an abstract concept and attempting to make it concurrent to our ideals? And why are we so obsessed with death anyways? Is it fear? Probably so. I heard someone once say that “life is hard and dying is easy.” This phrase has stuck with me and will continue to do so. Back to the musing though. It’s evident that we’re all made of matter and that we’re more closely similar in many ways than we might believe. So why do have different outlooks on death? I think in my opinion it has to deal with how violent humans are and have been for seemingly no good reason. I will touch on this opinion later but if we look at our history, we’ve been fighting for land, resources, and who knows what other fallacy we believe in. The prevalent idea that somehow we’re supposed to attempt to live a full life yet knowing that our end will inevitably come is not a comforting thought. Perhaps this is why we’re afraid. There are some many things that go wrong and seemingly randomly so. And so again this thought of being afraid of the inevitable sticks with us. And that probably will not change anytime soon.


Echoes of Silence (Echa Ciszy)

