Impersonal Poem

Disclaimer: This is not personal, this is a poem I had written but never bothered to put on here because I’m lazy.

Where do I belong?

I don’t fit in anywhere.

I’ve always felt like an outsider attempting to look in.

And only to have even more questions.

I already knew why I would be hated.

That much was obvious.

Whether it was the hair, the skin, or my appearance.

And then those same people wondered why I seemed so hostile.

I can’t begin to describe the anger I had.

It led to attempted vengeance in my younger days.

But then I learned something that has stuck with me.

Phrases such as “Don’t Tread on Me” or “Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death.”

For many years, such liberty and justice where feigned at best.

And to add to this, what sort of deity lets their followers act upon such prejudices?

And so I turned away.

Away from optimism.

Away from love.

And away from faith in humanity.

Inside there is still the fire of rage and anger.

But such actions only lead to even more hatred.

And so, I take to the internet.

Only to be continually reminded of the end of the world.

I have only known violence, anger, rage, sadness, and the all too familiar sight of myself.

But now, the only thing that has changed is my perspective.

I learned to surpress such feelings. Years of practice will do that.

And all so that when I eventually die, I can finally be relieved.

And fade into nothing, like I always knew I would.


The Quiet Things


Je suis fatigue