The Aftermath of Hvide Sande/Conflicting Truthful Narratives

"The Aftermath of Hvide Sande - Return Trip back to the states" (Skutki Hvide Sande - Podróż powrotna do Stanów) describes the looming despair of returning back to the country. From exploring Copenhagen, to enjoying public transit that actually works, and experiencing a wonderful time on the white sand beaches with fulfilling concerts, the feeling of numbness followed soon after as I knew I had to return. Since then, I often feel cold and dead inside, like I don't belong here despite my attempts for the last decade to settle.

This is the description of my piece for viola and piano. I say this because as I have never felt l truly American barring a few times on one hand. I often feel as though I am just going through the motions of life and that I can only really be truly understood in my music or in blog posts such as this one and my most previous one. What has happened, has been long in the making, like an echo that has traveled through time ever so faintly at first and is now engulfs our entire being. With that said I want to give my follow up thoughts on things.

Firstly, I want to be absolutely fucking clear about things. I have seen both compassion and hatred from both “sides” of the spectrum. I have personally been attacked for my skin color and it really is a wonder I haven’t been shot.

Second, you want to talk about how much we’re paying for shit. Absolutely. How is it the richest country on Earth has about 30% of it’s people in absolute poverty, the highest incarceration rate, and yet has burns so much money on oil, petrol, and gas? I understand living paycheck to paycheck (still am fyi), or seeing the price of your groceries increase on an ever decreasing income. Trust me I fucking get it. I understand the crushing debt of loans and our loan based monetary system.

Third, let’s talk about urban/rural divide. I’ve traveled to a lot of places and one thing that was very evident to me was just how important our food production is. I really shouldn’t have to say this no food = starvation. There is an inherent hypocrisy from our towers and detached homes (that cost too fucking much) that basically says that you’re stupid if you don’t go to college. Not everyone needs a degree and not everyone who has a degree is inherently skilled in their field. Some of the most inovative and smart people I know come from rural areas and vice versa. My conclusion here is that we shouldn’t believe every stereotype and maybe we should discuss politics in a civil manner.

Lastly, all of this word jargon leads to my final point of this post. But before that, I want to let you in on a statement I heard last year. “Politics is neither impersonal or personal. It is both and to say otherwise is plain insanity.” Let’s break this down.

“Politics is neither impersonal or personal.” From my own viewings of our garbage system, those “politicians” and people in office don’t give a fuck about you, your dog, me, or anyone else except for themselves. And the few that do, are silenced by the obsene amount of dick waving the billionaires throw around to do so. Politics for everyday people is inherently personal. Choosing what the fuck to care about is something we do all the time. I don’t have time to tell you what I care about (we’d be here all year) but what I will say is that people choose either to particpate or not depending on their circumstances. Wow shocking right? All sarcasm aside, my main overarching narrative here is that multiple narratives can be true whilst conflicting with one another.

I will leave with this,

Capitalism will be the death of us all via climate disaster, authoritarianism, and war.




I am afraid