Frequently asked questions
What’s your favorite video game? It’s hard to say as I really don’t play that many. But if I have to choose it’s a toss between Sid Meier’s Civilization 5 and Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005).
What’s your favorite genre of music? Obviously classical.
What other genres have you done/like? Well I was in a jazz/funk/fusion big band for a short while. I’ve also done bluegrass and rock music upon occasion. As for what I like to listen to, I like songs from basically every genre minus country, R&B, and bluegrass. It’s an anti-South thing.
Why did you quit fencing? I explained this on instagram but if you didn’t see that here’s why. I was unhappy with my progress and with my scenario of where I live and being jaded about spending so much money on various things, I decided that I would retire from it.
Do you miss playing other sports? Yeah sometimes. I don’t like football or basketball but sometimes I go out for a swing of the bat if I have the space for it.
What’s one instrument that you would learn if you didn’t play viola? Hm my first choice would probably be the cello. I’m really jealous that they get to be a part of every chamber group for strings and that they have really great concerti. My second choice might have been between Flute and Piano. There is something serene about great flute playing that really can’t be matched and piano is a whole beast unto itself.
How did you get into composing? I’m not really sure if there is a single event that did it for me. I do remember thinking that most of the music I played growing up was standard in some way and I thought, why can’t I do that? Surely I can compose music to be performed.
What’s your favorite piece you’ve composed? I don’t have one. I haven’t composed enough to have a favorite piece.
What are you going to graduate school for? Easy. Music Performance.
Do you have a favorite piece to perform? Well that depends in what context. Solo? Orchestral? I’ll do my best to answer that. Solo: Weinberg: Sonata for Solo Viola No. 1 4th movement. Orchestral: Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5.
What is this album you keep going on about? And when will it be released? Well essentially I’m attempting to expose myself to a wider audience than just my friends and colleagues. I have plans for multiple albums but this one I’m planning is going to be an album of pure solo viola music. As for a release date, that is up in the air due to COVID-19. I will have more information on this later.
I heard you had a recording project in the works. Can you tell us more about it? Sure. Basically What’s going to happen is that I’ll be working with PARMA Recordings on 2 of my compositions which will be released on an album of theirs. I’m really excited to be apart of this and the two pieces are archived in the UCLA Music Library.
Why did you move to Cleveland? Well I felt that I needed a change of scenery. I grew up in a small city that is becoming more overpopulated every year. One of my colleagues from when I first started music graduated from Cleveland Institute of Music and I had decided that is where I needed to go. And so it was after a video audition, I got in and the rest is history.
What’s it like being in a music conservatory? I honestly cannot and will not answer that here. It’ll take too long. Ask someone else.
Have you ever been outside the US? No I haven’t. The closest I came was my trip to Rochester 2 years ago. I haven’t even visited LA or Seattle yet.
What country would you like to visit/live in? Well I would like to visit Canada since I’m a 5 hour drive to Toronto. Of course there is also England, France, and Germany that I want to visit. As for living, well that’s much harder. While Canada is close by, the climate is relatively similar to Ohio. I don’t speak any other language fluently so that would be a challenge to overcome. Despite this, I would probably say living wise, it might be Germany or Scotland. Germany has a fascinating National Endowment which feeds into the Berlin Philharmoniker. Scotland has one of the best conservatories in the world and is also in a wonderful city (so I’m told).
Why did you start blogging? Short answer: because I wanted to. Long answer: There are a lot of things that I need to say in some form of capacity before I inevitable meet my demise. Whether it’s the salt from living, or the wonderful insomniac nights, there is always something on my mind.
Where do you see yourself after grad school? Heh. If you asked me this question 5 years ago, I would say the same thing I say now. Off in Europe. I didn’t have such a vendetta against living here but you know, things change.
How often do you practice your various activities? Well my instrument, I practice in some capacity generally 5 days a week. I have a lot of repertoire to learn and not enough time to do so healthily. As for composing? It really depends if I have any ideas. If not, then the pencil and paper are silent. Lightsaber is twice a week for me.
Do you drink? Oh yeah. I don’t know many people that are completely sober. It’s just a thing I grew up with much like how I drink coffee. The only thing I won’t touch is tequila and everclear. I hate the taste of it.
That’s all for now.