Lies about US “greatness”

I'm going to say this once as many people seem to be confused at to why the US is the way it is. Morality and any sort of political spectrum here is nonexistent. I specifically remember my first election and genuinely being excited about it but the more history I learned and studied, the more disillusioned I became. I found it weird to think back on how we where highly suggested to say the Pledge of Allegiance as a child, and even more weird that some teachers would be upset if someone objected for any reason. I was taught that the US is "the greatest country on Earth" yet no one had a definitive answer as to why. What an amazing lie to brainwash people with. How could a child whose house was literally collapsing in on itself at the time feel anything patriotic about his country after witnessing the horrible response to Katrina and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Why where we there? How can you "spread democracy" by overthrowing a leader of a country? That math didn't add up to me. How was it that my mother was working two jobs plus doing upholstery and yet we where barely scraping by? "Follow the money Patrick." What? Look at the people who fund the politicians. They're the ones who's cancerous influence determines the politics. This led to a realization. If you're poor, you might as well fucking die. No one will help you and the government will make sure to do everything to keep you there. So where does all of this lead to? It led to a fumble of consequental change from the black president and widening polarization of the people. And who was behind it? The ultra rich. Every. Single. Time. And they get away with it because the mass majority of people here are fucking spineless and suck the dick of the rich. So now we get the "reality TV star" running and he actually wins in 2016. "How did we get here, How could Clinton lose" etc. Well if we look at the track record of the so called "opposition party" (which is a fucking joke) they are even more spineless. People (whether formally educated or not) pay attention to the things we say and do. And after so many years of lies and inaction, naturally the government weakened and thus the first election of the "reality tv star" was paved. What followed was hysteria against Asians, Middle East, and Black people. The US has always hated immigrants which is ironic seeing that every government has genocided the native population since those Puritan English People first arrived. What Trump did during the first term was normalize authoritarian/totalitarian measures that all of the "checks and balances" are supposed to prevent. This was all horseshit and it proved to every American that checks and balances don't mean shit and as long as you have money and power, you can do whatever the fuck you want if you pay off the right people. So in conclusion how we got here was as follows;

1) Lies about how great the US is
2) An overbloated regime that sucks the dick of the mega rich and further plunges people into poverty
3) Unfulfilled lies about policies thus leading to radicalization and hatred for other people.
4) Capitalization of this radicalization to slowly dismantle the so called checks and balances
5) The use of the military as the world police force/funding genocidal regimes
6) An inherent repetition of lies from both "sides" combined with inaction/unwillingness to do anything.
7) A system that is not truly representative of the people and continues to plunge the world towards destruction.
8) Finally, the disillusionment by many people of the propoganda narrative we grew up with.

That about does it for now. I'm not surprised in the slightest about the outcome I hope I can leave the country before it's too late.

