
My dreams have been disturbing as of late. As if I didn’t have enough problems getting out of bed. In this episode of what the fuck is going on, I saw a skeleton army marching through the streets decimating everything in their path. The catch is was that it wasn’t just any random thing. I knew these people. They were the skeletons. I saw napalm and hydrogen gas and a city reduced to nothing. It was a metaphor for my life. I had only to realize it sooner that nothing in life had any meaning for I had grown weary of the drag and strain for a better future. The army then says to me in unison, “Join us Patrick. You’re already is hell as it is. Give in to your hatred and let us destroy this god damn place.” After a moment of realization and reflection of all of my memories, I relinquish the rest of my humanity. The skeletons then tell me that it isn’t just this place but the entire world. They also tell me that I am to lead these awful seemingly unrealistic army and that nothing can stop them even where to refuse. “We have to start over by first destroying the religious institutions then the government buildings and then finally all sources all life.” I ask them, “why are we doing this?” “To give humanity a second chance by its utter destruction. As long as humans exist in this way, there will always be war.” “Very well then. Let us be done with this world.” I don’t care about the hatred I now go on to garner and all the pain I cause. None of it matters to me. And so we march upon the world, county by county, state by state, country by country. The people curse my name but it has no effect as I have always been hated for existing. I threw away everything in the twisted name of peace for all and another chance for a world without hatred. I awoke to airplanes flying over me, my ears ringing, and the wind chill stabbing into my ginger soul.


Dreams #1 and #2