It’s time to air my grievances

If you have talked to me recently, you’ll be aware of some of my grievances. I’m not mentioning any names because I genuinely believe in the anonymity of ones privacy but I can not hold my breath any longer. As of today I’m gathering evidence and covering my bases to file a lawsuit for breach on contract for non-payment. I will not disclose details of the contract but all you need to know is that the period to be paid within has passed for February and it has been a month since March. I am highly disappointed and never thought I would have to take such a drastic measure but I feel as though I have no choice. It is a shame because I like my colleagues and have learned a lot but as of right now, I’m out $2000. That may not seem like a lot to you with “real” jobs but it is for me. Here’s a short list of he consequences of not having said payment.

1) Rent payment being late

2) Utilities behind about a month with notices of some being disconnected

3) Not being able to buy plane tickets for my summer endeavors.

Amongst other things, this mode of operations can’t continue. I’m asking if any of my colleagues have experiences such as this, please email/message/text me with picture evidence if possible.

PS should anyone from the board see this (doubtful but still), FIND THE MONEY TO PAY US.


Europe is Built Different


An Open Letter