A worrisome future

What does my future hold? This is a question is always in the back of my mind. I am gearing towards grad school in August. But what happens when I get there? Most of my prospects I had in mind have gone dark. On top of this, what happens when then benefits/stimulus cease to exist? I have so many questions and seemingly zero answers. Then again what’s different? Will I run into the same problems as last time? Even more importantly, will there even be a reason for me to continue down the path I chose all those years ago? Surely an answer must come sooner or later right? On top of this, there is another thing that greatly bothers me. Travel. Not just domestically, but abroad. The bans are already being hammered down. I can’t see them being lifted anytime soon. Ironic how we wanted to close our borders and now we’re the ones being closed off from the world. Thanks for that. But first things first, survive the chaos that is grad school and life and maybe, just maybe, everything will become much clearer.




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